Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New life?

So here I am. Done with school. Or not. Who knows. I'm still waiting for the results of my finals. But lets consider I'm done with school. 

What am I gonna do now?

I need a job. What can I do? Everything. Nothing. I'm willing to do pretty much everything. But then again, what do we really learn at school? What does high school teach us? In my opinion it's more social skills than anything else. Even though, many people will never be social (I mean social as in human..at least). It's their nature I guess. Anyways. I need a job.

So as soon as I get a job. I mean. I do have a job. More like a part time job. I love it. And I hate it. I get some easy money. It helps. I like that. Who doesn't?

SO as soon as I get a REAL job I'm planning on redecorating my room. I wish I could move out. Or just move to a bigger place with my parents. Oh true. I never told you guys about my parents. Well my parents are...old. Not really. They're 50ish. That's not old. It's half a century. My parents are also close minded. Well not my mom. Yes she is. A little. But she loves me too much to hate my gay self. My dad. My dad is...in love with my cat. Our cat. My cat. He loves her. I'm pretty sure he gives the cat more attention than me. I'm thankful. No I'm not. Yes I am. Dads are annoying. Mine is. Not really. But yeah. So that's my parents.

So like I was saying. I'm gonna redecorate my room. Paint. Get new furniture. New everything. More like "I'm gonna make this room MINE". And then I'm gonna start saving for next summer. Next summer is gonna be epic. I'm planning on making a Europe car trip with my soul, my heart, my ass.

Now what's the reason I started writing this post? Oh true. Change. 

After high school. Or college. If you get the chance to go. What is life? How do you get used to it? What does actually really change? Do we change? Do I change? Do you change? Did you? will you? Do people see us differently? Are we taken more seriously now? just because 2 months ago we were students and now we're "normal adults"? I DIDN'T CHANGE IN 2 FREAKING MONTHS! Why would I? How would I? Wouldn't that be ridiculous? I mean, it's not because I'm FINALLY gonna be paid for what I do that I now am more (or less) mature than two months ago. I'm not a different person. I'm gonna be facing more responsibilities and stuff like that BUT I'm still the same person. I'm still me. 

I'm still Sally. Sally J. Your everyday lady saying everything and nothing. 



P.S.: I need some ideas for colors to paint my room. SHOOT! SJW

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Who doesn't have late night cravings?

Well, not me obviously.

So I'm sitting on my bed after working late again and all of a sudden all I can think about is this:

Picture found here.

Why does our body want food when it's supposed to just sleep? I mean, obviously it's because we haven't eaten in a while and our body needs nutrients for energy and blah blah blah but seriously now. WHY? Why are we hungry when we're the most tired? Why are we hungry when we're at a place where we can't eat? Why do we crave things that we don't have or can't have or shouldn't have??? WHY??? (I know there's a scientific explanation for all that but I COULDN'T CARE LESS ABOUT SCIENCE!!) Is it asking for too much? If god or who ever the freak created us and everything did such great things (and such horrible things) WHY DIDN'T THEY MAKE A DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (or a brain or whatever controls hunger) THAT'S ONLY HUNGRY AND CRAVING THINGS WHENEVER THE FREAK WE WANT??? 


Then again...what's okay to eat late at night?

Picture found here.

Cookies? Cookies and milk? One cookie? Two cookies? Many cookies?

Picture found here.
Nachos? Cheese nachos? With a coke? Lemonade? Beer?

Picture found here.

Fruit? Fruit yogurt? Fruit shakes?

Well let me tell you something: WHO CARES??? NOT ME!!

It's not like I stuff my face late at night every night. I just do it occasionally. Wanna know why? BECAUSE I CAN! That's why. And you know what? If you're hungry late at night then just go for it! Do it! Eat that left over fajita from the Mexican restaurant last night. Eat the rest of that big burger you couldn't finish at lunch. Eat your cookies and milk. Eat your yogurt. EAT YOUR PIZZA! COOK! Late at night. COOK! Because you're free to do whatever you want when it comes to still your hunger! 

Now my point of this post is to ask you guys: What do you eat late at night? What are your favorite late night snacks? Tell me! Tell Sally!!

Okay I'm done for tonight. Enjoy your late night snack(s) y'all.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Now here's some gossip material you guys


Yes, indeed! I am! And proud!
And yes! That woman (or mainly the character she played on that show...and her hotness...andsexyness...OMG I CAN'T SPELL ANYMOREOOKAYSTOPNOWCONCENTRATE) ...wait where was I? Oh right! So yeah, Shane McCutcheon (Kate Moennig) was definitely a big part of my realization of how gay I really am. Wait is this a coming out story? Hmm..maybe I should have put that in the title..wait STOP TALKING TO YOURSELF. Okay.

Well anyways I found this picture here. Feel free to appreciate that blog too. It's mainly thoughts and pictures/captions about the show The L Word which by the way I must admit is one of the most educational and real shows I've ever watched. In my opinion it showcases a real image of what a lesbian community really consists of or usually does. I mean I don't like to generalize things but I think this really is how it goes down with the gals..usually..sometimes..a lot. Plus it goes into a lot of details which I think helps people to understand and respect the homosexual life..even though I think that we should all just respect it because it's normal and natural above all things. 

Baby I Was Born This Way
You all know who wrote that quote ;)

Okay so what I was trying to say is that I'm gay. Now feel free to love or hate me. <3


Picture Of The Day

This picture of the day can be found at photography.nationalgeographic.com and shows as the title says a Dog Tag Chandelier at the Fayetteville Veterans Park.
Photograph by John Creech Jr.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars."
Les Brown (US author/speaker)

Hey everybody. This is Sally. Yeah, I know. This name sounds familiar but let me tell you something, I'm not an actress neither am I a singer (even though I'd love to be). So yeah if you end up googling my name you might find a Sally Winters who's involved in the film and/or music business who's obviously not me. I'm just Sally. Your everyday lady blogging about everything and nothing. Expect to see random pictures and articles about things that electrify my brain.